Call For Participation
tl;dr - I just want to apply to the workshop!
Already know everything you need to know and just want to apply? Okay then, the application form is here.
… having said that, please do read this page if you haven’t already :)
The past two years saw a boom in the field of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). The radical accessibility of this technology has the potential to transform the creative field including design practice and design research. One way this is happening is by helping designers generate, explore, and extend ideas more quickly, or by offering serendipity, surprise and generative friction through its unpredictable outcomes. It is also likely that GenAI will open up new creative modalities and possibilities for creative exploration, as well as new opportunities for design research.
Despite these potentials and advancements, there remains little published academic work relating to the current and future impacts on design. This is the gap we hope the workshop will contirbute towards filling.
We intend to take stock of ongoing projects using GenAI in the context of design, with a focus on developing visions and imaginaries for the role of GenAI in design practice and avenues for design research. We aim to collaboratively develop this vision by synthesizing the work that is developing within the community and that participants will share during the workshop. Rather than introducing and exploring tools, we ask participants to present their own cases, so we can build together upon our own experiences with GenAI in design.
Rationale for managing hybrid/in-person delivery
We are committed to providing a way to participate in the workshop without physically attending. However, we are mindful that delivering this kind of workshop does come at some cost and involves compromise for both remote and in person attendees. For this reason, we will make final decision on how to deliver the workshop once we have an understanding of the total number of attendees and the proportion of those who would like to attend in-person or online. Regardless of how you would like to attend please to apply for the workshop, but we ask that you allow us to determine specifics of how the workshop will be delivered once we understand the overall makeup of attendees.
The application form has space for you to indicate your preferences on this.
Rationale for a two-day workshop
For this year’s workshop we have elected to go for two days. The reasoning behind this is that we wanted to have space for people to share their own work and do presentations as well as a good amount of time to have exploratory discussions, reflection time, and space for new ideas to emerge.
Based on last year’s experience we thought one day wasn’t quite enough for this, so this time round we will use the first day to share each others work and begin discussions and explore the current state of the art.
We will then have the evening to socialise and reflect on the day. The second day will be more dedicated to getting deeper into what is coming next, exploring the future of the field, and setting agendas for the years to come.
Submission information
We warmly invite submissions across a spectrum of creative and research disciplines. Whether your work is in theatre, visual arts, design, academic research, or any other form of creative expression that engages with generative AI, we encourage you to share your experiences and insights.
The deadline for submitting applications is 14th June 2024 and we will notify you by 21st June 2024.
If you require notification prior to the early bird deadline for the conference, please let us know using the relevant part of the application form.
Please use this form to apply to attend the workshop.
We look forward to hearing about your ideas and wish you thanks for your enthusiasm in joining us to explore the future of design research and generative AI.
Other information
You can access the workshop plan we submitted to the conference here (although please accept this is somewhat subject to change based on the expressions of interest we receive) and you can access the full workshop abstract over here.
This workshop follows up from the successful workshop held at DIS 2023 Towards a Design (Research) Framework with Generative AI. You can read all of the submissions and submissions from last year’s workshop over here.