QuBr: A community-based interactive documentary about Design Research

QuBr: A community-based interactive documentary about Design Research

IMPORTANT! Are you interested in Design Research? Do you have questions or opinions about Design Research? If so, please go and take part!

QuBr is an interactive and dynamic discussion about Design Research.

It was inspired by the documentary ‘Question Bridge’ (hence the name Question Bridge).

When you visit the site you will be presented with all of the contributions so far, each contribution includes an answer to a previously asked question, and a brand new question as well. The idea is to explore the Design Research landscape to better understand both the value of Design Research but also what the current challenges and opportunities are.

Written by

Dr David Philip Green

Dave is a Senior Research Associate on the project. He is a Design Researcher with a background in participatory documentary making and Human Computer Interaction. His core role on in Design Research Works is to produce a series of documentary films relating to the world of Design Research.