Call for Applications: Design Researchers in Residence

I’m delighted to announce this call for applications to our Design Researchers in Residence programme. This is an opportunity to work with us on projects during 2024.

The objective is to facilitate exciting new projects, build new opportunities for collaboration, support both emerging and established Design Researchers, and to support our core mission - to show the world the value of Design Research.

It’s a simple application process and we’re very open minded about what can be proposed. All the information you need to apply is in the call document.

If you have any questions about the residencies that aren’t answered by the call document then please get in touch.

Written by

Dr Joseph Lindley

Joe leads Design Research Works and is a Senior Research Fellow at Lancaster University. He is passionate about the value of Design Research, in particular in applying that value to the challenges associated with emerging technologies, rapid societal change, and living sustainably. Probably best described as a 'generalist' his research practice usually involves material engagements with possible futures.