

In August 2022 we gathered together 30 designers, researchers, students and thinkers, over 5 days to discuss the Design Research approach Research through Design. You can see our full list of attendees on the Jamboree organising website here. The event was supported by the UKRI FLF Development Network.

The overarching question we wanted to ask ourselves and to try and answer was, how do we communicate and share the value of Research through Design with the rest of the world? The motivation to explore this was to try and understand how to help Research through Design break out from the fringes and in to the mainstream.

We covered a vast array of topics and captured all of the week’s insights as ‘nuggets’ of insight which were stored in ‘the hive’ - a room-sized rich picture of the conversations that took place. Here is a short video tour around the hive on the final day of the Jamboree:

Outcomes and Outputs

We spent a lot of time at the Jamboree exploring the fluid concepts that ‘flow’ together to form the world of Design Research and Research through Design. One thing to come out of that was this introduction to Design Research that uses ‘telescope text’ - give it a try!

  • Research through Design ‘primer’ materials for various audiences from design undergraduates
  • A ‘5 levels’ style film introducing Research through Design at 5 increasing levels of complexity, inspired by the Wired series.
  • A report on the diversity of the Research through Design Community
  • A proposal to host the next edition of the Research through Design conference

These outcomes will be published here as they are completed.

Foundations of a Network

The Jamboree event created the conditions to form unique and, we hope, lasting relationships between some leading lights in the world of Research through Design. Along with original research conducted as part of our Lab Engagements series we realised we had an amazing opportunity to establish a new type of Design Research oriented organisation, collective, or network that could form a productive bridge between academic and industry-focused Design Research. Joe had a conversation with Jamboree attendee Julian Bleecker on his Near Future Laboratory Podcast over here.