Reflections on the Jamboree

In August 2022 we gathered together 30 designers, researchers, students and thinkers, over 5 days to [discuss Research through Design at a Jamboree[( The event was supported by the UKRI FLF Development Network.

The overarching question we wanted to ask ourselves and to try and answer was, how do we communicate and share the value of Research through Design with the rest of the world? The motivation to explore this was to try and understand how to help Research through Design break out from the fringes and in to the mainstream.

We covered a vast array of topics and captured all of the week’s insights as ‘nuggets’ of insight which were stored in ‘the hive’ - a room-sized rich picture of the conversations that took place. Here is a short video tour around the hive on the final day of the Jamboree:

Outcomes and Outputs

We spent a lot of time at the Jamboree exploring the fluid concepts that ‘flow’ together to form the world of Design Research and Research through Design. That stimulated a lot of new perspectives, human connections, and collaborations - and there are all outcomes.

We have also produced concrete outputs:

Inspired by Devin’s resume we used ‘telescopic text’ to make a dynamic, Telescopic Text Introduction to Design Research - give it a try!

The same thinking found its way into the 5 levels of Design Research films. These films explore Design Research at 5 different levels of complexity and through 5 different lenses.

Written by

Dr Joseph Lindley

Joe leads Design Research Works and is a Senior Research Fellow at Lancaster University. He is passionate about the value of Design Research, in particular in applying that value to the challenges associated with emerging technologies, rapid societal change, and living sustainably. Probably best described as a 'generalist' his research practice usually involves material engagements with possible futures.