Back in 2022, Paulina Yurman was one of those that came along to our Jamboree event. It was a delight to begin to get to know her, and I was so flattered when she asked sometime later if I could be on the steering committee for her Wellcome Trust funded project Maternal Machines: Design Speculations about Fantasies of Care.
Earlier this week we held a steering committee meeting at the wonderful Central Saint Martins followed by this full day workshop with researchers and practitioners working in design research, Human Computer Interaction, AI and ethics, maternal/infant care and medical humanities. It was a delight to be part of it and Iām eager to see how the project evolves.
If you have an interest in seeing how Design Research can play a role in understanding the pasts and futures of maternal machines, in all the senses, get in touch with Paulina.
As a side note, I found it utterly uplifting and enlivening to get that slightly different perspective you get at an art college like Central Saint Martins. Such a hive of creativity and activity. Awesome!