
Advancing ethical review practices for AI research

This article, organised by Partnership on AI, explores how ethical review processes may help to mitigate the potential harms and unintended consequences arising from AI research

Lab Engagement: OpenLab and Northumbria School of Design

Fieldwork trip in the North East of the UK visiting both Newcastle University's interaction design group OpenLab and Northumbria School of Design

Conversation Paper: Notes on Communicating the Value of Design Research

A summary and writeup of the conversation we hosted at the Design Research Society's 2022 conference in Bilbao

Lab Engagement: The Oslo School of Architecture and Design

A week long fieldwork trip to Oslo to visit the Centre for Design Research

RNIB Connect Radio Appearance

Appearing on the Royal National Institute for the Blind Radio discussing the the Seeing with Sound project with host David Hogg

Entoptic Field Monitor @ Dutch Design Week

Project exhibited at this year's Dutch Design Week.

Interaction Design and Architectures Journal: 'Meet the Authors' Video

This is a video recorded for a 'Meet the Authors' session relating to a Special Issue of the Interaction Design and Architectures Journal. It gives a quick overview of our paper in the issue.