
QuBr: A community-based interactive documentary about Design Research

QuBr ('Question Bridge') is a novel approach to understanding current issues relating to the Design Research community inspired by a documentary film

Room For Improvement in Video Conferencing 'Space'

A paper published at the Association of Internet Researchers Conference disucussing the future of video conferencing

An Experimental Murmuration at Uroborus Festival

Where to start with this? A crazy paper, rejected by reviewers, has second life at Czech design festival via Gather Town? I think that about covers it.

The World's First Paper That is Not a Paper

This contribution to the ever-popular alternative track at the Human Factors in Computing Conference (alt.CHI) offers a novel lens on what the future of conferences could be.

Uncanny AI: How to Spot a Mutant Algorithm

A paper and interactive event at the Economic and Social Research Councils Festival of Social Science